We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them. ~Abigail Adams

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Meaning of the Quote:

Abigail Adams, one of the most influential women of early American history, was known for her sharp intellect and insightful observations. This quote, “We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them,” encapsulates a timeless critique of humanity’s tendency to prioritize lofty rhetoric over meaningful action.

Words vs. Actions: A Universal Dichotomy

Adams’ statement underscores the disparity between idealism and practice. Throughout history, societies have often crafted inspiring speeches, visionary manifestos, and ambitious promises. However, the challenge lies in translating these “high sounding words” into concrete, effective actions that bring about real change.

In essence, Adams is calling out the superficiality of empty promises. While words can inspire and set the stage for transformation, they are hollow without corresponding actions. True progress requires not just envisioning a better world but taking deliberate steps to build it.

Historical Context

Adams lived during a time of profound upheaval—the American Revolution. The era was rife with declarations of freedom, equality, and justice. However, as someone deeply engaged in the political and social issues of her time, she likely witnessed a gap between the ideals espoused by the revolutionaries and the realities of their execution. For instance, despite the rhetoric of liberty, many groups, including women and enslaved individuals, were excluded from the rights and freedoms being championed.

Her quote may reflect frustration with this inconsistency. Adams herself was an advocate for women’s rights, famously reminding her husband, John Adams, to “remember the ladies” when drafting the new nation’s laws. Her plea, largely ignored, exemplifies how high-minded ideals often fail to materialize for all members of society.

Relevance Today

Abigail Adams’ observation remains strikingly relevant. In modern times, political speeches, corporate mission statements, and even social media posts often emphasize grand visions of equality, sustainability, and justice. Yet, without actionable plans and follow-through, such declarations risk becoming mere platitudes.

For example, many governments and organizations commit to addressing climate change with ambitious goals, but the actual measures taken sometimes fall short of the urgency required. Similarly, societal movements calling for equity and inclusion can be undermined when promises are not backed by structural reforms.

The Call to Action

Adams’ quote serves as a reminder that words, while powerful, are not an endpoint. They are the beginning of a journey toward meaningful change. To align words with actions, individuals and institutions must embrace accountability, transparency, and persistence. Actions, however small, accumulate to create the change that lofty words alone cannot achieve.


Abigail Adams’ timeless wisdom challenges us to move beyond the allure of eloquence and focus on the integrity of our deeds. Her quote is not just a critique but also an invitation to bridge the gap between our ideals and our realities. It urges us to live up to the promises we make, ensuring that our actions resonate as profoundly as our words.

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